Attack from the West

July 22, 1864. Gen. George Maney’s div. (Hardee’s A.C.) (CS) attacked the front of Giles Smith’s div., 17th A.C. (US) posted on Flat Shoals Road (Leggett’s Hill to Glenwood), while Cleburne’s div. attacked it from the rear. This forced the withdrawal of Smith to the S. Slope of Leggett’s Hill where he occupied a 2nd line extending eastward from Leggett’s position.

Cleburne & Maney, following up their advantage, were aided by Stevenson’s div. (Cheatham’s A.C.) (CS) from the city fortifications. Repeated attacks, front, flank & rear, by the three Confederate divisions failed to dislodge the 2 divs. of the 17th A.C. – Leggett’s & Smith’s.

Marker is at the intersection of Memorial Drive (Georgia Route 154) and Stoval Street, on the right when traveling east on Memorial Drive.


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