Attack on British Lines

October 9, 1779

Over this ground, hallowed by the valor and the sacrifice of the soldiery of America and of

France, was fought October 9, 1779, one of the bloodiest battles of the Revolution when

Savannah, which the British had possessed for several months, was attacked by the combined American and French forces.

A short distance west of this marker stood the famous Spring Hill Redoubt and along here ran the line of entrenchments built by the British around Savannah. After a three weeks siege, the Allies stormed the enemy works in this area early on October 9th.

Arrayed in the opposing armies that day were soldiers of many lands -- American Continentals, Grenadiers of Old France, Irishmen in the service of King Louis XVI, Polish Lancers, French Creoles, and Negro volunteers from Haiti, fighting for American Independence against English Redcoats, Scotch Highlanders, Hessians, Royalist provincials from New York, Tory militia, armed slaves, and Cherokee Indians.

After an heroic effort to dislodge the British the Allies retired with heavy losses. Thus the siege was lifted, and the French fleet sailed from Georgia, ending an episode of far-reaching significance in the American Revolution.

Marker can be reached from Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard / West Broad St. near Liberty Street.


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