Attack On The Union Left
Confederate Regiments from Brig. Gen. Thomas Scott's, Brig. Gen. John Adams', and Brig. Gen. Winfield Featherstons's Brigades of Maj. Gen. William Loring's Division advanced under artillery fire through this northwestern parcel of Carnton across the Nashville and Decatur Railroad tracks to face Osage Orange abatis and entrenched Federal Forces equipped, in part, with repeating rifles. The troops made the final 60 yards with fixed bayonets to face withering rifle fire that "swept our ranks like hail." To escape the enfilading rifle fire, survivors fell back to the ravine on Carnton, still under artillery fire. Wheeling his troops west, reportedly, Gen.Adams rode into this ravine, his horse nearly stepping on Cpl. Joseph Thompson, 35th Alabama, wounded by cannon shot.
Marker is on Lewisburg Avenue (U.S. 431).