Barbour County Vietnam Era Veterans Memorial

This monument and park are

dedicated in sincere appreciation

of all Barbour County Vietnam

era Veterans who served

this great nation -

United States of America

1961 - 1973

Dedicated on May 25, 1987


United States Senator

John D. Rockefeller IV

All gave some - These gave all

Viet Nam War

William Lee Car • Larry Joseph Lowther

Rex A. Bowyer • Lesley Wayne Reed

Garry L. Burgess • Donald F. Schnably

Roger L. Carpenter • Roger Lee Simpson

James R. Hickman • John Charnpolsky

Isaac C. Huffman • Wm. "Billy" Runner

Cecil Wilbert Kittle, Jr. • Roy B. Squires

Donated by

E.E. Bryan


J.R. Bryan

Marker is on North Main Street (U.S. 250), on the right when traveling east.


Credits and Sources: