Bartholomew County Veterans Memorial

[[ Walk - Way Stones ]]

Bartholomew County

Veterans Memorial

Dedicated May 30, 1997

The Bartholomew County Memorial for

Veterans is a tribute to those living and

dead who answered the Nations Call in

the conflicts of the twentieth century.

[[ Inscribed 1918 Letter ]]

July. 1918.

Mother. dear.

Do not worry over me. I’m

alright and tell all my friends

that I died happy. I just was

shot and know that I will die so

goodbye all. Let God bless you.

I cannot write no more. I am

too weak.

Your son.


Louis Tabor wrote this letter

to his mother Susan Tabor of

Columbus from a hospital bed

in France hours before he died

of wounds suffered in a World

War I battle.

Marker is on Washington Street south of 3rd Street (Indiana Route 46), on the right when traveling south.


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