Base Headquarters

Building No. 1

Headquarters has long been the heart of the installation. In the 1940s, civilian visitors and military dignitaries arrived at the Sacramento Air Depot through Gate 2, which was located at the end of the landscaped mall you see behind you. This formal space between the entry gate and Headquarters was specifically designed to impress visitors on their approach to Headquarters. The architects also designed the interior of Headquarters to convey the importance of the entire air depot. The lobby features Art Deco detailing in the stair railings, light fixtures, and interior doors. A mosaic of the world with the Sacramento Air Depot represented by a star is located in the center of the lobby floor. McClellan Air Force Base continues to treat Headquarters as the heart of the historic district through careful preservation of the character of the building. This early view shows how the first visitors to the depot would have viewed the building and mall on their arrival.

Marker is at the intersection of Arnold Avenue and McClellan Mall, on the left when traveling north on Arnold Avenue.


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