Batteries F & K, Third U.S. Artillery

First Regular Brigade - Artillery Reserve

Army of the Potomac

Artillery Reserve

First Regular Brigade

Batteries F& K Third U.S. Artillery

Six 12 pounders

Lieut. John C. Turnbull Commanding

July 1 Took position on crest of hill near General Meade's Headquarters.

July 2 Moved to a position on the right of log house on the Emmitsburg Road on the line held by Brig.-General A.A. Humphreys's Second Division Third Corps and became immediately engaged but was compelled to retire with the loss of 45 horses killed and 4 guns captured which were soon afterwards recaptured.

July 3 Went into position on the crest of the hill at the left of the Evergreen Cemetery and near Army Headquarters and there remained until the close of the battle.

Casualties killed 1 officer and 8 men. Wounded 14 men. Missing 1 man.

Marker is on Hancock Avenue, on the right when traveling north.


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