Batteries F & K, Third U.S. Artillery

First Regular Brigade - Artillery Reserve

Army of the Potomac

Artillery Reserve

First Regular Brigade

Batteries F & K Third U.S. Artillery

Six 12 pounders

Lieut. John C. Turnbull Commanding

July 1 Took position on crest of hill near General Meade's Headquarters.

July 2 Moved to a position at the right of a log house on the Emmitsburg Road with Brig. General A.A. Humphreys's Division Third Corps. Engaged here but was compelled to retire with the loss of 45 horses killed and 4 guns which were afterwards recaptured.

July 3 Went into position near the Taneytown Road on the left of Cemetery Hill.

Casualties. Killed 1 officer and 8 men. Wounded 14 men. Missing 1 man.

Marker is at the intersection of Emmitsburg Road (Business U.S. 15) and Sickles Avenue, on the right when traveling north on Emmitsburg Road.


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