Battery A, 1st New Jersey Artillery

(Front):Battery A, 1. N.J. Art.

From its position in

reserves s.w. of Powers'

Hill Galloped into action

at 3 p.m. July 3, 1863.

Fired 120 rounds shrapnel

at Pickett's column and

80 shell at a battery

in left front

Erected by the

State of New Jersey 1888

Hexamer's New Jersey


commanded in this battle by Firs Lieutenant

Augustin N. Parsons

(Left):Served Aug. 12. 1861

to June 22. 1865.

Engaged in 30 battles.

(Right):Losses. Killed 2. Wounded 7.

Position in action 45 yards E. of this stone.

Marker is on Hancock Avenue, on the right when traveling north.


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