Battery E, 2nd U.S. Artillery


Battery E, 2nd U.S. Artillery.

Lieut. Samuel E. Benjamin, U.S.A. Commanding.

(September 16-17, 1862.)

On the morning of September 16, Benjamin's Battery took position on the ridge bordering the Antietam, above the Burnside Bridge, engaged the Confederate batteries on and around Cemetery Hill and shelled the infantry north of Sharpsburg. In the afternoon the battery moved to the left (south) and rear, on the high ground about 1950 yards east of this point. Early in the morning of the 17th, it opened fire upon and quickly silenced a Confederate battery which was shelling Rodman's Division. It engaged batteries posted on Cemetery Hill and high ground adjacent and, several times during the day, shelled bodies of infantry. At 3 p.m., the battery changed position to the left in order to shell A.P. Hill's Division as it came upon the field. Its last six rounds of ammunition were used in engaging some heavy guns on the Confederate left.

Marker is on Branch Avenue, on the left when traveling south.


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