Battery L, 1st Ohio Light Artillery

Artillery Brigade - Fifth Corps

(Front):Captain F. C. Gibbs


L, 1st Ohio Light Artillery

Artillery Brigade 5th Corps

Erected by the State of Ohio

(Back):Battery L

1st Ohio Light Artillery

July 2. 3. 1863Arriving on the field at 8 a.m. July 2, went into position under a brisk skirmish fire on the extreme right of Wolf Hill. Afterwards moved to north slope of Little Round Top, and there became hotly engaged with Longstreet's Corps then trying to turn the left. Held same position July 3.

This battery was recruited at Portsmouth Ohio, in the Autumn of 1861 by Captain L.N. Robinson. Was mustered out July 4. 1865. Took part in 12 important battles.

Marker can be reached from Sykes Avenue, on the left when traveling north.


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