Battle of Dug Gap

May 8, 1864. Maj. Gen. J.W. Geary, with Buschbeck`s & Candy`s brigades of the 2d div., 20th A.C., moving from near Gordon`s Springs, reached this, the Babb Settlement, at 3 p.m.

Planting McGill`s Penna. Battery (3 inch Rodman guns) near Joel Babb`s house, the Confederate position at Dug Gap in rocky Face Ridge was shelled. This was followed by a concerted assault up the steep scarp by Buschbeck`s brigade on the right, Candy`s on the left.

Repeated attempts by the Federals to seize the gap ended in failure, but under cover of this engagement, McPherson`s troops occupied Snake Creek Gap, 6 mi. S.W.

Marker is at the intersection of Mill Creek Road and Babb Road, on the right when traveling north on Mill Creek Road.


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