Battle of Kings Mountain

South Carolina – 7 Oct 1780

Major William Edmiston. William Edmiston was named by General William Campbell as the commanding officer of the Virginia Militia at the Battle of King’s Mountain SC. Known for bravery under fire Major Edmiston ordered his troops up the mountain in the first line of fire. One third of all the men killed and wounded in battle were members of the Virginia Militia. Later, Colonel Edmiston served as a trustee of the Town of Abingdon. He died on 30 July 1822. His place of burial is unknown.

Virginia Militia Killed or Mortally Wounded in Battle. Captain: William Edmiston; Lieutenants: William Blackburn, Rees Bowen, Robert Edmiston, Sr. and Thomas McCulloch; Ensigns: John Beattie, James Corry, Nathaniel Dryden, Andrew Edmiston, Richard Gist, James Laird, Humberson Lyon, and James Phillips; Privates: William Flower, Henry Henniger. and Elisha Pepper

Marker can be reached from Colonial Road SW east of Reedy Creek Road, on the right when traveling east.


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