Battle of Natural Bridge

March 6, 1865

Site of decisive repulse of Federal forces by Confederate Militia in joint U.S. Army and Navy Operation to take St. Marks.

The Army landing at lighthouse was prevented from getting to rear of St. Marks by Confederate opposition at Newport and Natural Bridge. The Federal Flotilla ran aground during ascent of River; it did not reach St. Marks. Their next objective would have been Tallahassee.

Federal (number) 893*, (killed) 21, (wounded) 89, (missing) 148.

Confederate (number) 595, (killed) 3, (wounded) 23, (missing) 0


Brig. Gen. William Miller - Confederate

Commander R. W. Shufeldt - U.S. Navy

Brig. Gen. John Newton - U.S. Army

* Of whom 500 were reported to have been at Natural Bridge.

Marker is on Natural Bridge Road, on the right when traveling west.


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