Battle of Rivers' Bridge

Feb. 2-3, 1865

Crucial Routes to the Heart of the State:

The Salkehatchie River Crossings

As Sherman's right wing- about 28,000 men underGen. Oliver Otis Howard- advanced up the south side of the Salkehatchie, Gen. Lafayette McLaws' Confederate division marched into position on the river's north side. Howard was to capture the Salkehatchie crossings, link up with the Union left wing and cut the railroad from Augusta to Charleston. The combined force was then to move on its ultimate objective --Columbia. McLaws, with about 6,000 men was to hold the crossing.

"Howard, I believe we can go there without any

serious difficulties. If we can cross the Salkehatchie,

we can capture Columbia."

- Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman

Marker can be reached from SC-S-5-8, on the right when traveling south.


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