Battle of Stoney Creek

[English Text]: Battle of Stoney Creek

During 1813 the Americans planned to invade Upper Canada from Detroit and the Niagara Peninsula. In late May, an American force crossed the Niagara River, seized Fort George, and with about 3500 troops moved inland in pursuit of the British who retreated to Burlington Heights. At Stoney Creek, a surprise night attack by about 700 regulars of the 8th and 49th Regiments of Foot under Lt.-Col. John Harvey halted the American advance and allowed the British to re-establish their position on the Niagara frontier. The Americans retreated to Forty Mile Creek and subsequently to Fort George.

[French Text]: La Bataille de Stoney Creek

Vers la fin mai, 1813, des forces americaines traversèrent le Niagara, prirent le fort George et fortes d'environ 3500 hommes, pourchasserent a l'interieur du pays les Britanniques qui battaient en retraite en direction de Burlington Heights. A Stoney Creek, grace a une attaque surprise de nuit, quelque 700 reguliers des 8e et 49e regiments d'infanterie, sous les ordres du lieutenant-colonel John Harvey, arreterent l'avance americaine et permirent aux Britanniques de reprendre leur position a la frontiere du Niagara. Les Americains se replierent sur Forty Mile Creek et par la suite sur le fort George.

Marker can be reached from King Street West east of Centennial Parkway South.


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