Beverly World War II Memorial

World War II Memorial

The Citizens of Beverly Dedicate

This Memorial To

All Beverly Men and Women

Who Served in America's

Armed Forces in World War II

Thus Becoming "Veterans".

Beverly Honors With Heartfelt

Love and Deep Sense Of

Loss for All Their Comrades

In Arms Who Made the Supreme

Sacrifice in the Name of Freedom.

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Beverly Men Who Died in the Service of Their Country

Earle T. Allison • Arthur Audesse • David M. Baker • Roy W. Baldwin • John J. Boniface • Lewis R. Bowden • Charles Brooks • Joseph F. Burke • J. Kenneth R. Burman • Anthony Capozzi • Victor Capozzi • Lawrence B. Carnevale • William A. Center, Jr. • Irving F. Clark • Theodore F. Cobb • Thomas N. Cockfield • Robert W. Cole • Dr. Henry H. Connolly • Robert J. Connors • Francis J. Courtney • Richard W. Courtney • John J. Cunningham • Charles A. Cutler, Jr. • Raoul l. D'Amour • William W. Dickey, Jr. • Henry J. Dix • Elmer Dort • Albany A. Doucette • Harlan E. Eldridge • Robert D. Estes • John N. Falloni • Carl E. Falvey • Concetto J. Femino • Ralph G. Fiore • Harold M. Fish • R. Bennett Forbes • Otto L. French • William M. Gardner • Norman S. Gilbert • Ernest R. Gillis • Frank D. Gillis • James B. Ginty • Richard P. Godbout • Wendell J. Goddu • Israel Goldberg • John F. Goodwin • William J. Greenhalge • Frank E. Greenough • Francis A. Guinivan • John L. Hanson • Robert N. Haskell • Abbott Q. Hastings • Edward G. Herlihy • Francis C. Hoffman • Robert W. Hyde • Alfred Innocenti • Richard D. Johnson • Patrick J. Kane • Ernest J. Kelly • Ralph J. Kenney • Philip H. Kimball • Clifton S. Knowlton • Ernest Lang • Donald H. Lantz • Gordon W. Lefavour • John A. Leighton • David Loring • David K. Lunt • Garrett W. Lynch • John MacDonald • Harold R. Magnuson • Harry W. Markey • John W. McAuley • Lawrence G. McLean • George R. Mitchell • Alphonse Montoni • Burgess C. Moore • John W. Mountain Jr. • Leo G. Mullaly • Francis G. Munroe • William J. O'Reilly, Jr. • John D. O'Shea • Arthur R. Ottley • Roger O. Pearson • Paul L. Perry • Marek Pzegeo • Anthony Rezza, Jr. • Thomas Rocci • Cidney F. Rowell, Jr. • Joseph A. Sciezka • Richard E. Scott • John A. Simons • Russell N. Snoad • Herman A. Spear • Stuart R. Spear • Alfred J. Sweet, Jr. • Richard R. Talbot • Frank Tanzella • Wilbur Teague • George S. Tiffany • Paul B. Trask • Philip E. Trask • Frank D. Tuttle • Charles J. Vadeboncoeur • Edwin F. Waslh • Francis W. Walsh • John J. Walsh, Jr. • John J. Welsh • Albert S. Whalen • George I. Whittier • William H. Wignall • John H. Williams • William C. Wilson, Jr. • Robert H. Wood • Harry Zassman

Marker is at the intersection of Rantoul Street (Massachusetts Route 1A) and Broadway, on the right when traveling south on Rantoul Street.


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