Bicentennial Flag Memorial


Dedicated to the many veterans who sacrificed for the freedoms we enjoy today.

Flags have traditionally been symbols of persons united in some common association or effort. Within the American heritage, there have been many diverse interests and transitory associations and as a result many flags have flown over America. The first “flags” were not like any of the ones flown here. Rather, they were the eagle feather flags of the American Indian. Such flags were typically carried by a man who flanked the leader of a war party. Their purpose was to aid the party in locating the leader to obtain his commands. The eagle feather flag has mingled with and been followed by literally hundreds of other flags. Thirteen of these are displayed in this Veteran’s Memorial Plaza. They are intended to commemorate that first “flag” and the diversity of purposes and peoples who have contributed to this Country’s enrichment.

Tactile Braille American Flag

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America

and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God,

indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


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