Big Flat – Big Bar

This plaque is between the two sites first mined in ’49. The rush came in 1850, when John Weaver & Co. ditched water from Lil’ Weaver Creek, now Big Bar Creek taking out $100,000 in gold at Big Flat. Elizabeth Walton, mined here with her husband in 1850. Wm. Warrener in 1854, built the Yankee Sawmill, all of wood except for the saw. At Big Bar Creek, in 1855, Warrener built a bridge across the river to connect the Trinity & Humboldt Trails. Miners using 45’ water wheels, worked Big Flat until the great flood of 1861-62, when water 47’ above high water marks swept the river clean of bridges, dams & wheels.

Marker is on California Route 229.


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