Black Plantation / Hampton Campaign

Black PlantationThis area was once part of the 448.5-acre plantation of Alexander Templeton Black (1798-1875), for whom Church Street was renamed Black Street. In 1851 Black deeded land for a right-of-way and depot to the Charlotte & S.C. Railroad. He also created and sold 23 town lots along a new Main Street, fulfilling his dream to establish a town here. The post office that opened nearby "Rock Hill" after the hill the railroad tracks cut through.

Hampton Campaign

The 1876 S.C. gubernatorial election was bitterly contested by Republican Gov. Daniel H. Chamberlain

(1835-1907) and Democrat and ex-Confederate general

Wade Hampton (1818-1902). On Oct. 12, 1876, citizens

welcomed Hampton to Rock Hill near this site; this

street was later renamed for him. Mounted Democratic

cluds led him to Chatham Ave., where spoke to a crowd of 3,000. The vote in York County and the upcounty was

critical to Hampton's eventual victory.

Marker is at the intersection of East Black Street (State Highway 5) and Hampton Street on East Black Street.


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