Blackford County Korea & Vietnam Honor Rolls


[[ Front Center Panel ]]

To honor the men and the women of

Blackford County

who fought in Korea and Vietnam

and to the heroes who gave

their lives on land,

on the sea, and in the sky

that mankind might live in freedom

we humbly dedicate this memorial

[[ Left Panel ]]

- - - § - - - Korea - - - § - - -

[ Row One ]

Carl Rolland Ames • Karl Norman Anderson • Lloyd Duane Anderson • James L. Applegate • Jerry McClain Armstrong • Clarence Robert Atkinson • Harold Eugene Babb • Alan Eugene Baker • Byron O. Baker • Howard Warren Baker • Jerry D. Baker • John Lafe Baker, Jr. • Michael Baker • Robert LeRoy Ball • Francis Eugene Banter • Robert Vearl Banter • Donald Eugene Bantz • James Leland Bantz • Myron Bantz • George Ollie Bates • William Noldo Batten • George Baner • William Simmens Beasley • Roger Dean Beavans • Clifford Elmond Bedwell • Harold Dewayne Bedwell • James A. Bedwell • May Eugene Bedwell • Emmett Beeks • Harry Richard Beeks • Ivan DeWayne Beeks • Earl Abnor Beeson • Earl Abnor Beeson • Jackie Lee Beeson • Richard Henry Beeson • Robert Lee Beeson • Clarance Eugene Bell • Clifford Dean Bell • Eddie V. Bell, Jr. • Jackie Lee Bell • James Leroy Bell • Clyde Earl Bennett • Lloyd Francis Bennett • Thomas Paul Bennett • Logan O. Bergdoll • Thomas Russell Berry • James Fredrick Besser • Merlin William Blakley • Donald Lee Blankenship • Donald Eugene Bolner • Patricia Ann Bridges • Charles C. VanGordon

[ Row Two ]

Chester Eugene Brock • Francis Levi Brock • Helen Elizabeth Brocker • Charles LeRoy Brown • Donald Dean Brown • Harry D. Brown • Charles Manor Buckmaster • Andrew Carter Buttenbarger • Donald Edward Burgess • Jack Frederick Burson • Cirilo M. Cahue • Charles Frederick Cain, Jr. • Richard Lee Cain • James R. Cale • Jack Bruce Campbell • Billy R. Capper • Richard L. Capper • Leo Edward Carll • Robert Eugene Carll • Donald Eudean Carmichael • Raymond Dwayne Carson • Samuel G. Cary • Clarence Morton Casebier • Chester G. Cavanaugh • Lewis Eugene Caylor • Jack Oneal Chaney • Robert Eugene Chaney • Oral Sidney Childers • Charles L. Christman • Martha L. Christman • Walter Dean Church • Leo Frederick Clayton • Blaine Milford Clevenger • Robert Gene Coffield • Victor Eugene Coleman • Charles Henry Comstock • Earl Enrest Conner • Gerald Ervin Cook • Jack A. Cook • Jon L. Cook • Paul Eugene Cook • Robert Cook • Russell Cook, Jr. • James Coronato, Jr. • Norman Eugene Cortright • Robert Eugene Cranford • William Clyde Creager • Henry Hays Crimmel, Jr. • John Edward Crimmel • Donald Ray Crisamore • ? William Leroy Cromer • Marvin L. Akers

[ Row Three ]

Herman Eugene Croy • Aileen Erminegarde Davis • James Davis • Virgil Owen Davis • Edward Leroy Dayton • Keith Eugene DeBatty • Jess Donald Dilleshaw • James Thomas Dodds • Leo Linn Dodds • William Dubois, Jr. • Donald Earl Eikenberry • Francis Richard Elliott • Harry Warner Elliott • Donald O. Ely • Dale Edwin Emery • Gerald Wilbur Emshwiller • William Arthur Everhart • Charles Everett Evilsizer • Ralph Junior Evilsizer • Gene Martin Farling • John Everett Fawns • Jack D. Felger • James Lewis Felger • Russell Vernon Fields • Archie Louis Fisher, Jr. • John Edward Flynn • Thomas Hannon Flynn • Francis Gene Ford • Albert Mortimer Fox • Thomas Leroy Frame • James Peter A. Fulton, Jr. • Wesley Eugene Fulton • Jack Lee Futrell • Arthur Charles Gadbury • Dannie Garrett • Robert Luke Garrett • Robert Jack Garrison • Richard Lee Gavin • George Gilbert, Jr. • Jack Arlen Gilbert • Max Wayne Glancy • Ray Glaney • Dwight W. Glessner • John Christian Godfrey • Donald Lee Goodspeed • Merrill Dean Gosnell • Richard E. Gosnell • William Frank Gosnell • Harold William Gosselink • Fred Robert Green • James Donald Gum • Clarence D. Ross

[ Row Four ]

Gail Cleon Hahn • William Earl Hamilton, Jr. • Everett William Harbert • John Walter Hardwick • David James Harrison • Make Joe Hart • ? Charles Ervin Harter, Jr. • Floyd Eugene Hawk • Robert Leo Haynes • William Herr • Johnnie Lee Herrin • Lynn Halbert Hite • Richard Dean Hoover • Gail Ervin Hornbaker • James Harvey Horsley • Henry Franklin Horton • Thomas Benton Howard, Jr. • William Eugene Howard • Harold Edmund Huffman, Jr. • Robert Edward Huffman • Richard Merrill Hughes • Raymond Dale Hummer • Frederick Eugene Humphrey • Stuart D. Hyde • Victor Jackowich • Ralph C. James • Stanley Jeffries • Robert E. Jankins • Clarence Andrew Jester, Jr. • Jack LeRoy Johnson • James Alexander Johnson • John Robert Johnson • Robert Leslie Johnson • Billy Joe Jones • Bobby Lee Jones • James Arthur Jones • Richard Lee Jones • Harry Jordon, Jr. • Charles Emerson Kanedy • William Harry Keely, Jr. • Jerry Francis Kemp • Jackie L. Ketterman • William Eugene Kile • Harold Edward Kimmel • Richard Lee Kimmel • Troy Daryl Kimmel • Charles Leroy Kindlesparger • Lindy King • Richard Thomas Kinser • Frederick Lee Knote • Harold Richard Kreischer • Robert F. Hammond

[[ Right Panel ]]

- - - § - - - Vietnam - - - § - - -

[ Row One ]

Ronald D. Abel • Howard L. Adkins • Herbert E. Ailes • John D. Alexander • Harry L. Alfrey • Robert E. Allen • Jack N. Anderson • William R. Aspy • Robert Dean Atkinson • Charles Franklin Babbitt • Richard Wayne Baker • Edward Wayne Ball • Carrol D. Banter • Thomas Hugh Batt • Dennis L. Beal • William Simmons Beasley • Max L. Bennett • John Raymond Bergdoll • James Allen Blumenhorst • Raymond Dewayne Bole • Thomas William Boles • Donald E. Bolner • Larry E. Booher • William H. Booher, Jr. • Richard Austin Boots • Randall Gene Bosworth • John F. Brenner, Jr. • Herbert E. Bridges • Hoyt Robert Bridges, Jr. • Harold G. Brock • Gregory M. Brooks • Dennis Craig Brown • Jerry Wendell Brown • Randall W. Brown • Eugene Bunch • Larry Keith Bye • Jesse Ray Cahue • Richard P. Cale • Walter I. Casterline • James Lee Chapman • Nicholas R. Charnley • Donald R. Chenowith • Michael G. Christman • Benjamin E. Clevenger • Raymond Dee Coffield • James Edward Coffman • Robert L. Cole • James D. Colegrove • Patrick J. Collins • David B. Collis • Steven H. Cooley • Richard W. Townsend

[ Row Two ]

Tim R. Creek • Rick A. Crewdson • James A. Crissmore • Nolan L. Crump • Richard D. Culbertson • Lawrence James Cunningham • Ronald Rex Curless • Richard Lee Daniels • Michael David Daugherty • Murray Duane Denney • Lloyd Evan Depoy • Loyd Dean Dodge, Sr. • Rex L. Dodge • Roger Kenneth Dohm • Joseph J. Dornberger, Jr. • James A. Dubois • James P. Ducy • Ralph Henry Edwards, Jr. • Michael D. Eikenbary • Dirk A. Eliker • Douglas K. Elkins • Robert Joe Elliott • Allen L. Ellison • Douglas L. Ellison • Michael S. Ely • Robert E. Emery • Vaughn Alan Emery • Donald G. Emshwiller • James A. Engle • Vern Enochs • Earl E. Everhart, Jr. • Ronald Jay Everhart • Stephen J. Farling • Herman V. Felger • Thomas R. Felger • Larry L. Fisher • Merwin L. Fisher • Gail G. Flint • Jack Lee Ford • Jerry Dee Ford • Robert Lowell Ford • William R. Ford, Jr. • Larry Lee Forrester • John L. Francis • William F. Francis • Robert B. Fuller, Jr. • Wayne Edwin Fuller • James D. Gable • Max E. Gaither • Michael J. Gaskill • David Earl Gilliam • Larry K. Parker

[ Row Three ]

David Allen Goodspeed • Paul Steven Green • Jerald Lee Hall • Charles J. Hamilton • Don C. Hancock • Richard Warl Hardwick • Fred Lee Hatton • Richard E. Hawkins • David Carroll Hedden • ? Roger D. Hedden • Phillip A. Hemmert • Daryl Lee Hoffman • Glen Richard Hoover • Michael L. Hornbaker • Raymond Richard Hoving • David L. Howell • Alford L. Huckleberry • Donald W. Huffman • Kenneth Dwane Huffman • Richard S. Hunnicutt • Robert Leroy Hurst • Stephen L. Jenkins • William C. Jennart • George Wesley Johnson • John Howard Johnson • Robert L. Johnson • Donald K. Jones • Michael D. Jones • Virgil Ray Jones • Michael E. Keith • Kenneth R. Keller • James T. Kennedy • Thomas J. Kennedy • Donald Kesler • Texas T. Ketterman • James Dale King • Phillip M. King • Larry G. Knight • Johnnie F. Koontz • Thomas Eugene Krebs • Mark A. Lake • Phillip R. Lake • Terry J. Landis • David P. Landon • Thomas Walter Landon • Ronald D. Lanning • Billy J. Ledbetter • Larry Dean Ledbetter • Richard L. Leffingwell • Michael R. Lents • Jerry L. Lewis

[ Row Four ]

Ace Lee Lillard • Larry Joe Lillard • Jon Leslie Love • Willard Bruce Luzadder • Howard E. Macon • Michael T. Maddox • Neil A. Mahon • Douglas Allen Markin • Thomas Daniel Markley • Paul David Marshall • Michael R. Martz • Warren N. Mattson, II • Larry McAdams • Lemuel T. McCaffery • Paul E. McCaffery • Silas A. McCaffery, Jr. • Danny E. McDirmit • David J. McIntire • Thomas Wayne McKean • Verlin C. Merkel • Robert Lewis Meyer • Jerry A. Michael • Larry E. Michael • Phillip L. Michael • Frederic Roger Miles • Charles Arthur Miller • Richard E. Mills • Gregory A. Monroe • Robert Allen Monroe • Richard E. Montgomery • Charles A. Moore • Keith A. Moore • Larry William Moore • Max E. Moore • Phillip J. Morrison • Michael F. Murray • Bruce D. Murrell • Ralph E. Myers • Danny L. Nalty • Dale Ray Nottingham • James B. Orendorff • Billy G. Owens • Lee R. Parker • Robert A. Parker • Warren L. Parker • Barry F. Penrod • Daniel R. Perry • Robert L. Perry, Jr. • Larry Phillip Piercy • Lynn M. Pontius • Larry Edwin Pulley

[[[ Obverse of Memorial ]]]

[[ Center Panel ]]

To honor the men and the women of

Blackford County

who fought in Korea and Vietnam

and to the heroes who gave

their lives on land,

on the sea, and in the sky

that mankind might live in freedom

we humbly dedicate this memorial

[[ Left Panel ]]

This Honor Roll dedicated to the men

and women of Blackford County

[ Row One ]

Bruce Leonard Redden • Robert E. Rees • Gary M. Reese • Donald J. Reidy • Loren M. Ranker • Lavon D. Roads, Jr. • James Russell Roberts • John Allen Roberts • Jerry Lee Robertson • Gary Rogers • Mike Rogers • William D. Ruble • Marvin R. Sargent • Clyde G. Schache • James Rex Schorey • George P. Schuhmacher • James L. Schuhmacher • Franklin J. Schwartzkopf • James A. Schwartzkopf • Michael James Sedruley • Donald L. Shady • Donald W. Shaffer • John Edward Shelton • Michael J. Shewalter • Jackie L. Shoemaker • William R. Sills, II • Gary A. Smith • Patrick Ray Smith • Paul D. Smith • Terry L. Smith • Thomas Earl Speidel • John A. Stallsmith • Charles D. Stegall, Jr. • Tommie L. Stiles • Everett Austin Stone • Joseph E. Stone • John Mason Stout • Steven Wayne Strahm • Joseph E. Stroup • Michael D. Stump • Jerry A. Summerlot • Herb Sutton • Jerry D. Sutton • Edmond L. Tarpley • Georgia C. Tarpley • Billy A. Tarr • Claude Keith Tarr • James A. Tatman • William Tatman • Loren R. Thomas • Richard L. Thurman • Ronald R. Hess

[ Row Two ]

William Willmann • Larry A. Tourney • Steven J. Townsend • James H. Tucker • Tonie Allen Tucker • John A. Tudor • ? Valentine D. Uncapher • Les Vetor • John D. Voght • Frederick Eugene Walker • Ted Lee Waters • Clifford C. Watson • Patrick J. Weaver • Jerry Allen Wesley • Jerry Wayne Whetzel • James L. Whitehurst • Glenn A. Wilcoxon • Harold E. Wilcoxon, II • Daniel R. Williams • Dany Rex Williams • Michael B. Wilson • Ronald A. Wilson • Amos Clarence Wine • Elmer McDonald Wine, Jr. • Ricky G. Wise • Thomas Gerald Wise • Glenn J. Wishon • Phillip L. Witherow • Terry Bryce Worley • Don R. Writtenhouse • Michael K. York • Thomas J. Autbach • Frank A. Farmer • Terry L. Culbertson • John M. Furniss • Dan R. Furniss • Robert D. Baker • Patrick R. Larkin, Jr. • Richard B. Abbott • Jack D. Beckley, Jr. • Gene R. Christal • Ronald L. Clamme • Don J. Cox • Donald L. Mowery • John R. Pattison • Thomas N. Pattison • Phillip D. Rodgers • James R. Stone • Roger D. Strine • Federick N. Strine • Robert A. Uggen • Ora Wilson • Richard W. Fishback

[ Row Three ]

Harold VanGordon • Larry A,. Adkins • Jack Norman Anderson • Philip R. Beckley • K. Larry Bennet • Michael L. Branstrator • Stephen W. Briles • John B. Caldwell • Charles W. Crawford • Karen L. Ely • Charles W. Grayson • Jackie A. Harris • William E. Jones, Jr. • Brian N. King • Carl L. Kriecher • James Earl Lee • Rex Eugene Lee • Alfred R. Markin, Jr. • Robert J. Masters • Robert B. McCombs • William K. Michaels • Danny R. Millspaugh • Rex O. Moore • Joseph D. Neff • Chris E. Owens • Douglas E. Perry • Richard Randolph • Richard Stanley Roberts • Ric Routledge • T. Michael Rush • J. Earl Schache • Paul D. Schache • Fred Schultz • Terry W. Shewalter • Robert N. Stoner • Gregory A. Storer • James Stroup • William Allen Vallad, Jr. • John M. Volz • Thomas A. Volz • John D. Weist • John Nolan Willman • Jackie L. Wishon • George L. Wyatt • R. Leroy Coe • Kevin M. Craft • Edward L. Mealy • Jon D. Oswalt • Robert F. O’Rourke • Forrest Williamson • Walter William Reidy • Alan B. Goldberg

[ Row Four ]

- - § - - Korea - - § - -

Jean J. Andre • George R. Brown • Thomas A. Brown • Lloyd N. Cain • Ronald L. Capper • Art E. Carell • Bob Gene Carmichael • Joseph A. Clark • Orville Copsy • Richard C. Daniel • Larry C. Dee • Max A. Dillie • Douglas K. Elkins, Sr. • William D. French • Jerry Glancy • Perry Glancy • Rodney D. Hawes • Robert J. Kinser • Robert T. Kriecher • Robert F. O’Rourke • Jack Overmeyer • T. Gene Robinson • Jerry D. Shaw • Fredrick G. Sills • Jerry O. Snyder • Jackie L. Speidel • James F. Speidel • Fred R. Sutton • John G. Tatman • Earl D. Townsend • Richard Welsh • J. Neal White • Paul A. Williams • Rosanna P. Williams • William H. Williams • Leland G. Willman • Gordon L. King • Harry I. Furniss • Galen F. Vanderbur • Jack L. Bates • William L. Bates • Ted W. Besser • Gerald F. Cook • Rollin D. Elwood • Raymond C. Elwood • William T. Krebs • Gordan E. Overmeyer • Jerrol L. Palmer • Timothy P. Reidy, II • Asa L. Strine

[[ Right Panel ]]

Who served with distinction in the

Korean and Vietnam conflicts

[ Row One ]

Tom Oliver Kreps • Walter Robert Kriegbaum • Orville Robert Lamotte, Jr. • David Owen Landis • Donald Eugene Langdon • Delbert Ronald Lanning • David Aaron Lautzenheiser • Paul Albert Lautzenheiser • Raymond Leroy Lee • Gerald Dean Leech • William Irven Leffler • Franklin Delane Leist • James Edward Liechty • Charles F. Lightle • Farrel Stanley Lillard • Robert B. Lillie • Firinus Leo Lipp • Jackie Gene Lord • Richard Lee Love • Jack L. Luellen • Robert Phil Lykens • ? Jack W. Lytle • William Ernest Mabbit • Daniel Alexander Markley • Billie Eugene May • ? Sherman W. McCaffery • Everett McClelland • William Dale McColly • Fount Earl McCoy • Thomas Charles McCrum • Bobby Joe McDermit • Fred J. McDirmit • Kenneth Duane McGeath • William Joseph McKinley • Billy Dean McPherson • Robert Edward McPherson • Ernest Leroy Medler • David E. Melick • Vernon Leon Melton • Earl Wesley Michael • Robert Lee Miller • Robert Vincent Moore • Ralph William Moorman • Wayne Everett Morrical • Franklin Brooks Morris, Jr. • Raymond Howard Morris • Robert L. Mossburg, Jr. • Darius Brill Myers • Robert Eugene Myers • Raymond Junior Needler • Kenneth Neff

[ Row Two ]

Lewis Glen Norris • Roy Eldon Norris • James Arthur Norton • Paul Richard Norton • Kenneth George Nuckols • Wallis Normand Ort • Dorwin Eugene Oswalt • Jack Leland Overmeyer • Ralph Overmyer, Jr. • Lee Roy Parker • George O. Parks • James Earl Patmore • Elton Frederick Patterson • David Franklin Pearson • John Francis Peck • Donald Wayne Pence • Kenneth Arden Perry • William Eugene Perry • Charles Lamarr Pethtel • Charles Phillips • Richard Allen Pickering • Phillip McDonald Pierce • Russell Fredrick Pierce • David McIntyre Pierson • Carl Fredrick Porter • Richard Porter • Wilbur Donovan Porter • Joseph D. Powell • Clifford Benson Price • Donald Lorraine Price • Oles Franklin Price • Paul E. Pugh • Francis Joseph Quinn • Jesse Dee Rains • Donald Ramseyer • Robert Oscar Ramseyer • Calvin Newton Randolph • Lloyd Richard Rea • John A. Reff • George Michael Reidy • Robert Edgar Rice • Melvin Dean Risinger • William Leonard Ritter • Edward Lewis Robbins • William Edmond Robertson • Fred Harold Roderick • Robert Richard Roderick • Jesse Lowell Rogers • Melvin Alvin Rogers • Kenneth Eugene Ross • Oral Berchard Ross, Jr.

[ Row Three ]

Francis Jean Ruble • Dick Corwin Runyon • Jim Dale Runyon • Carl Gilbert Saunders • Thomas Lyman Saxon • Norman Garner Schache • Cecil Schmidt • Paul Dee Schmidt • Robert Eugene Schultz • Glen Edward Schwartzkopf • Daniel Owen Schwartzkopf • David Richard Schwartzkopf • Allan Lee Scott • Robert Lavern Shady • William Richard Shady • Allen Kent Shatto • Harold Herbert Sheetz • Buddy Joe Shores • George Albert Shrock • Dale Arlo Sills • Guy Irvin Sills • Paul Edward Sills • John G. Simmons • Kenneth Irwin Simmons, Jr. • Stephen Sims • Billy Mack Smith • Emmitt Woodrow Smith • Francis Lee Smith • Harry Donald Smith • Jackie D. Smith • James Edward Smith • Robert E. Smith • William A. Smith • William Joseph Smith • Gerald Eugene Snider • Charles Russell Snyder • Donald Gene Snyder • Vernon Dale Snyder • Robert Omri Spence • Russell Orville Stanley, Jr. • Thompson Pfeiffer Stanley • Yale Dunne Stocksdale • ? John Richard Stoll • Robert Gene Stone • William Diehl Stone • John Mason Stout • Billy Dean Stroud • Carl Roy Stumph, Jr. • Clyde Elmer Suite • Robert Eugene Sullivan • Max Earl Sumwalt

[ Row Four ]

Ernest Edward Sutton • Mary Rose Svahula • Richard Lee Taylor • William Junior Taylor • Richard Leugen Terhune • Charles Uvon Thinnes • John Thomas Townsend • James Walter Trosper • Thomas Eugene Trosper • Carl Duane Trumbo • Richard Dwight Trussel • Burl E. Tucker • Charles LeRoy Uhrick • Ronald Francis Uptegraft • ? Leo F. VanCamp • Earl Eugene VanHorn • Robert Lee VanHorn • Charles Vernon • Walter Ryan Voght, Jr. • Lawrence Eugene Walker • George William Wallace, Jr. • Thurman Weaver • Wendell Bruce Wells • George Richard Wentz • Richard Lewis Wert • David Edward West • Burl Richard Whitaker • Walter William Whitaker • Donald Malon White • Kenneth Leon White • Paul Dale White • James Whitecotton • Melford Keith Wible • Robert Joseph Wikel • Harry Lee Wilcoxon • Wilmer Gene Wilcoxon • Norman L. Willman • Lawrence Edward Willmann • Lewis Eugene Wine • Robert Leroy Wine • Eugene Wilson Winget • Glenn Junior Wishon • Ronald Eugene Woolard • Wendel Ray Woolard • Edgar Rolvin Wrestler • Robert Audrey Wright • Robert Lazern Yates • Paul Edward Younkin • Herman Zimmerman, Jr

Marker is at the intersection of West Washington Street and Jefferson Street, on the right when traveling west on West Washington Street.


Credits and Sources: