Blackwater Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to All Veterans

Past Present & Future

WWI • WWII • Vietnam

Harold Dean Waller • Vietnam

James Paul Barton • Vietnam

John Wesley Dial • World War II

Aubrey Embrey • World War II

Glenn Alley • World War II

Charles H. Schuster • World War II

Warner Schuster • World War II

Joe Smallwood • World War I

Albert Junkerman • World War I

Ralph E. Strickfaden • World War II


Sergeant First Class

James Russell Harris (Ret)

In grateful recognition for his leadership in creation

of the Veterans Memorial in Blackwater, Missouri;

and in gratitude for his service to our nation and

his personal devotion to duty, honor, country.

Memorial Day

May 30, 2001

Donated by the 128th Field Artillery Regiment

Marker is on Main Street (Missouri Route K) near Scott Avenue, on the left when traveling east.


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