Blendon Township War Memorial

Dedicated to the Glory of

Almighty God in memory

of the men and women

who by their unselfish

patriotism have so

gallantly advanced the

American Ideals of

Freedom and the

Universal Brotherhood

of All Mankind

Dedicated this 25th day of May 1981


Killed in Action

during American Wars

Blendon Township Residents

Wilburt Alden Gooding

Homer Charles Beaver

William Francis McFarlan Jr.

Robert L. Hughes

Corwin Noble Harris

Jacob M. Winter

Robert Edwin Echelbarger

Edward Lee Hanawalt

Austin E. Reed

James Price

Robert Edwin Ewing

Rollin Warner Karg

Samuel Craig Starr

Wendell Schurse Harrington

Robert Martin Bennett

John Farrar Jr.

Joseph Anthony Bobanich Jr.

Carl Francis Beaver

Edwin Overturf Gorsuch

George Washington Schrock Jr.

Charles Eugene Elliott

George Donald Metzger

William H. Durant

James William Kinney

Robert White Curfman

Dedicated May 28, 1986


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