Bloom Township War and Veterans Memorial

In honor of the men of Bloom Township

who entered the service of their country to fight in the World War 1917-1918

Ralph Hickle

[Died in Service]

[Honor Roll of Veterans]

Erected as a lasting tribute to the men and women of this community who served in World War II

Ogle Doss • Thane Hecox, Jr. • Earl Walker

[Died in Service]

[Honor Roll of Veterans]

These monument additions are a tribute to Bloom Township men and women who served their country in peacetime and war

James Blackwell • Clarence McCafferty • Rodney Stevens

[Killed in Action]

[Honor Roll of Veterans]

Memorial Day 1992

Marker is at the intersection of Columbus Street (Ohio Route 39) and Market Street, on the left when traveling east on Columbus Street.


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