Bluff Fire

Wildland fire has long been recognized as one of the most significant natural processes operating within and shaping the northern Sierra Nevada and southern Cascade Mountain ecosystems. Virtually all vegetation communities here show evidence of fire dependence or tolerance. Many forest types in the Park have been shaped by frequent fire return intervals (ranging from 5-16 years). At the same time, unplanned ignitions have the potential to threaten human lives and property. The Park’s fire management program protects life and property from destructive wildfires. The program also reintroduces fire on the Park's landscape to ensure forest health.

On July 23, 2012, a lightning strike started the Reading Fire in the interior of Lassen Volcanic National Park. The fire, located at approximately 7,000 feet in elevation, was located in red fir with areas of rock and limited ground fuels. The initial assessment indicated that the fire would have resource benefits. It was monitored for several days and showed minimal growth. 

Plans were made to hold the fire at the Lassen National Park Highway. However, during the first days of August, fire activity increased. On August 6, the fire jumped the highway and spread rapidly to the northwest. The fire ultimately spread onto Lassen National Forest lands and threatened the community of Old Station. No structures were lost, and there were only two injuries to firefighters. When the fire was contained on August 22, 2012, it had reached 28,079 acres. The Reading Fire is estimated to have cost approximately $17 million.

In total, the Reading Fire directly affected 28,079 acres: 16,925 acres (60 percent) on National Park lands; 11,064 acres (39 percent) on National Forest lands; and 74 acres (.25 percent) on private lands. At the peak of the incident, resources assigned included more than 1,200 personnel, consisting of 31 hand crews, 85 engines, 5 helicopters, and support staff.

Credits and Sources:

“Reading Fire Review: Lassen Volcanic National Park,” National Park Service,, Accessed on June 29, 2015.