National Historic Landmark- Bok Tower Gardens

Edward Bok's Mountain Lake Sanctuary and Singing Tower were created as the ultimate gift he could present to the people of America, his adopted land. A native of the Netherlands, Bok came to fame as the editor of The Ladies' Home Journal; he was also a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, local and national civic leader, and philanthropist. The Sanctuary and Tower were dedicated, on Bok's behalf, for visitation by the American people by President Calvin Coolidge on February 1, 1929. The gardens were designed by F. L. Olmsted. The Bok Tower Gardens are recognized as a National Historic Landmark.

Bok Tower Gardens offers visitors Florida's most abundant opportunities for aesthetic, cultural and personal enrichment. The lush landscapes of the Olmsted gardens, the majesty and music of the Singing Tower with its 60-bell carillon and the splendor of Pinewood Estate create an experience that inspires all who visit.

Credits and Sources:

Information courtesy of the Florida Association of Museums and the National Park Service. This project received financial assistance from VISIT FLORIDA