Bond County Veterans Memorial

Lest We Forget

This memorial is dedicated

to the men and women of

Bond County who served in

the Armed Forces of the

United States of America

Dedicated Nov. 11, 1997

In memory of those from

Bond County who gave their lives

while serving their country in


Thacker, Roy, Pvt, 8-10-1950

Bone, Zacharia, Pvt, 8-22-1952

Elam, Ivan, PFC, 10-13-1950

Tidwell, Dewey, PFC, 8-30-1950

Stockwell, Jesse, Pvt, 10-4-1951


Scott, Michael J., SP4, 3-12-1968

Scroggins, James L., SP5, 2-23-1973

Shipley, Ronald E., S/Sgt, 8-16-1969

Bollinger, Arthur R., Capt, Air Force

Maynard, Thomas H., PFC, 11-6-1965

Elliott, William K., PFC, 9-8-1967

Zeller, Gary G., Cpl, 4-2-71

Baldwin, Roy L., LCpl, 5-12-69

Marker is on 3rd Street (Illinois Route 127), on the right when traveling north.


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