Box Canyon Dam

In 1952, the Pend Oreille Public Utility District (the District) commissioned construction of the Box Canyon Dam as the centerpiece of its Box Canyon Hydroelectric Project. Including the spillway, the dam is 500 feet long and over 62 feet high. It took nearly four years to complete and holds the distinction of being the first hydroelectric dam constructed by a public utility district in Washington. In addition to its power-generating facilities, the dam’s design also incorporated features to meet the irrigation needs of area farmers and ranchers. As a run-of-the-river dam, Box Canyon does not provide flood control; however, its gates open fully to allow water to pass when the river is high.

The history of the Box Canyon Dam dates to the formation of the District itself. In the 1930 general election, Washington State voters passed an initiative “to extend the concept of municipal city power as it was being enjoyed in Seattle and Tacoma to county-wide areas” through the creation of public utility districts. In 1936, Pend Oreille County residents overwhelmingly approved the formation of Public Utility District No. 1.

Since coming online in 1956, the Box Canyon Dam has served its primary purposes of generating electricity and providing irrigation control. It also provides a third benefit by affording Pend Oreille County residents and visitors alike with an assortment of recreational opportunities. Directly south of the dam is a viewpoint that offers picturesque views of the facility and the Pend Oreille River.

The shores and waters of the 55-mile-long Box Canyon Reservoir provide places to swim, fish, and camp, such as Campbell Park near Box Canyon. Public boat launches are available at a number of places along the reservoir and on the Pend Oreille River. Today, a visitors’ center operates year-round at the dam, and District staff conduct tours during the summer.

Credits and Sources:

Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation. Historic Property Inventory Report. Box

Canyon Hydroelectric Project. 2002.


Historical Research Associates, Inc. Box Canyon Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 2042,

Historic Properties Management Plan. Missoula, Montana, 2007.

Pend Oreille County Public Utility District. “Box Canyon Hydro.”

Photographs courtesy of Pend Oreille County PUD and Historical Research Associates, Inc.

Box Canyon Dam

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