Brewster Store

Brewster Store

5 Aurora Street

The Brewster Store is a long-time business location, housing a variety of commerce since 1839, and is likely the oldest commercial building still in use in the Western Reserve.

The building is named for Anson Brewster.  He and a partner, Zenas Kent, joined forces in Kent and Brewster Dry Goods.  Brewster rose from partner to sole owner and became one of Hudson’s most prominent businessmen for his day.

In 1962, an attempt to modernize the building caused Hudsonites to become alarmed.  Gathering research and mobilizing, they kept the modernization from being approved.   This group formed the core of what became Hudson Heritage Association. (

Brewster Store was built by Leander Starr.   It is in the classic Federal Style with stepped gables, stone pilasters, and a roof balustrade.  It is a rare example of a late Federal style brick commercial building.

Note the recessed entry door with sidelights and transom, three 20 pane fixed windows, 9/9 windows, and original brick that was rubbed and restored by Ellsworth, and new mortar was added as needed.