Bridgeport Soldiers and Sailors Memorial

[ south plaque ]

Dedicated To The Memory Of The Heroic Men Of Bridgeport, Who Fell In The Late War For The Preservation Of The Union. July, 1876

"It is for us the living to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us, that from these honored dead we take increased devotion in that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth."

[ east plaque ]

1st Conn Calvery

David Sherwood   Andersonville   July 18, 1864

Eugene Starkweather   Sept 30 '64

George Wagner   Dec 21 '65

Joseph Heaton   Salisbury   Dec 4 '64

John Burke   Feb 13 '64

George Fallon   Meadow Bridge   May 12 '64

John W. Clark   Mar 15 '65

Theodore Sterling   Nov 30 '63

2nd Conn Battery

Frederick Holmes   White River   Jan 4 '65

Lyman A Clark   Fort Gaines   Aug 21 '64

John Cary   New Orleans   Oct 11 '64

Henry B Meyers   Mobile   Jun 26 '65

John S Mills   Blakely   Apr 9 '65

James O'Donnell   New Orleans   Oct 17 '64

James B Ramsdell   Feb 4 '65

Francis Simpson   New Orleans   Oct 17 '64

Charles B Whittiesey   Dec 22 '64

Tylee W Hartshorne   Aug 1 '63

James G Wood   Wolf Run Shoals   Apr 19 '63

George H Hill   New Orleans   Feb 27 '65

Edmund F Moody   New Orleans   Jul 20 '64

1st Heavy Artillery

Ira S Wakefield   Petersburg   Apr 2 '65

Edward J Carl   Broadway Landing   Aug 31 '65

James Barry   Feb 29 '65

Thomas McMullen   Broadway Landing   Aug 31 '64

Charles Taylor   Fort Monroe   Aug 22 '62

William H Anderson   Frederick   Aug 4 '63

Edgar Athington   Feb 3 '64

2nd Heavy Artillery

James Bradley   Alexandria   Jun 14 '64

Lucius B Palmer   Jun 9 '64

Peter Reilly   '64

Joseph Cornell   Annapolis   Aug 19 '64

Cornelius Goebe   Mar 5 '65

Seymour Lovdell   Strasburg   Nov 16 '64

Charles Bennet   Strausburg   Oct 19 '64

David Backus   Winchester   Nov 3 '64

Thomas Doyle   Winchester   Sep 22 '64

William Morton   Mar 7 '65

John Martin   Cold Harbor   Jun 1 '64

Henry Tanner   Cold Harbor   Jun 1 '64

John Pollard   Hanover   May 30 '64

Frederick Slade   Sept 24 '64

John Thomas   Feb 13 '64

1st Conn Infantry

Theodore Morris   Beaufort   July 12 '62

6th Conn Infantry

Charles H Grogan   July 28 '63

Patrick Deary   Belle Island   Nov 13 '63

Harry Deipi   Pocotaligo   Oct 22 '62

Michael Flynn   Fort Wagner   July 18 '64

William M Kelly   Nov 18 '62

William S Lacey   July 19 '62

Alonzo Phillips   Belle Island   July 18 '63

Albert W Stacey   July 18 '63

Edward B Taylor   July 25 '63

Thomas Taylor   Pocotaligo   Oct 23 '62

Samuel C Thomas   Aug 19 '64

Robert B Gage   Oct 12 '62

John R Barney   Washington   Mar 15 '65

Ambrose B Seymour   Salisbury   Oct 28 '64

Patrick Fox   Andersonville   Nov 6 '64

Gustave Schmidt   Fort Wagner   Aug 12 '64

William Reed   Morris Island   July 18 '63

Stephen S Stevens   Morris Island   July 18 '63

Andrew Wnuk   Belle Island   July 18 '63

[ north plaque ]

7th Conn Infantry

John Reed   Andersonville   Sept 17 '64

Charles Dubois   Chester Station   May 14 '64

Alexander Potocki   Andersonville   July 6 '64

John Zabrowski   Fort Monroe   Sept 24 '64

Daniel Morgan   Jan 6 '65

8th Conn Infantry

Charles Jones   Fort Darling   May 16 '64

Melancthon S Lyon   Hampton   Mar 4 '64

Charles H Lewis   Sept 17 '64

Albion D Brooks   Jun 3 '64

9th Conn Infantry

Patrick T Claffee   New Orleans   Oct 2 '62

Michael McGratin   Baton Rouge   Aug 8 '62

James Henderson   New Orleans   Dec 20 '62

John Baggs   Baton Rouge   Aug 9 '62

Jerimiah Wells   Baton Rouge   Aug 11 '62

Charles B Burton   Carrodon   Sept 16 '62

John Ennis   Camp Parapet   Oct 16 '62

Nicholas Doyle   Feb 23 '63

Michael Fagan   Ship Island   Jan 11 '62

Michael McGrath   Baton Rouge   Aug 3 '62

William Fibbs   New Orleans   July 11 '63

Michael Moore   New Orleans   Aug 19 '62

Thomas O'Brien   New Orleans   Nov 16 '62

Peter O'Connor   New Orleans   Aug 26 '62

Dennis Otts   New Orleans   Nov 22 '63

Peter Smith   New Orleans   Aug 26 '62

Charles B Burton   Carrollton   Sept 16 '62

James C Dimon   New Orleans   Sep 30 '62

Henry Dessendorffer   New Orleans   June 29 '63

William Funt   New Orleans   Oct 6 '62

Luke C Lackey   New Orleans   Aug 27 '62

Philip Pearson   New Orleans   Sept 3 '63

John Coyne   New Orleans   July 13 '62

Peter Keenan   New Orleans   July 20 '63

Albert Alaby   New Orleans   Aug 16 '62

Seth Robertson   Vicksburg   July 8 '62

Frederick M Fairchild   Vicksburg   July 29 '62

10th Conn Infantry

Julse LaSalle   Petersburg   Apr 2 '65

George L.W. Williams   Richmond   Oct 2 '64

Marcus Thomas   Newberne   May 10 '64

Frederick Manchester   Hatteras Inlet   '64

Henry Perkins   Oct 24 '63

Lawrence Lawless   Petersburg   Sept 7 '64

11th Conn Infantry

Jeremiah Brady   July 31 '64

Frederick Faltix   July 18 '64

12th Conn Infantry

Ambrose Thompson   July 22 '63

John Mulloy   Salisbury   Jan 13 '65

Herman Birch   Camp Parapet   Sept 28 "62

Joseph Bevans   Cedar Creek   Oct 19 '62

James H Huribut   Cedar Creek   Oct 19 '62

John C Wellman   Apr 2 '65

Charles H Wells   Oct 21 '65

William J Newell   Port Hudson   Jan 19 '63

[ west plaque ]

13th Conn Infantry

Henry Robinson   Aug 11 '64

14th Conn Infantry

William H Hawley   Aug 24 '64

Alfred G Mollan   Nov 24 '62

Thaddeus W Lewis   Antietam   Sept 17 '62

Michael Maddigan   Antietam   Sept 17 '62

Franklin Bartlett   Hatches Run   Feb 5 '65

George Carlock   Fredericksburg   Dec 13 '62

William Jacobs   Wilderness   May 20 '64

Henry Phillips   Oct 20 '64

Jesse H Ramsdell   Richmond

Lucean W Hubbard   Richmond

Alfred G Molan   Nov 25 '62

16th Conn Infantry

Samuel Johnson   Roanoke Island   May 27 '64

17th Conn Infantry

Charles Walter   Chancellorville   May 2 '63

William A Rogers   Chancellorville   May 2 '63

Charles B Lewis   Baltimore   Aug 6 '63

George R Hayes   Baltimore   Feb 5 '64

Cassius M Crabbe   Gettysburg   July 1 '63

John A Black   Gettysburg   July 1 '63

Stephen Wagner   Point Lookout   Aug 9 '64

James Dennis   Picolata   Mar 15 '65

John F Lewis   Beaufort   Mar 11 '64

Henry W Chatfield   Feb 5 '65

Alvah E Wilcox   July 6 '63

William H Hawkhurst   Washington   Apr 26 '63

18th Conn Infantry

Thomas F Jones   Winchester   June 15 '63

23rd Conn Infantry

Charles Adams   New Orleans   July 17 '63

Watson Mead   New Orleans   July 1 '63

Adolph Keller   Brashear City   June 23 '63

Frederick L Curtis   Brashear City   July 6 '63

Henry L Dexter   La Fourche   June 7 '63

24th Conn Infantry

Edward Keena   New Orleans   Aug 11 '63

Henry Walters   Ship Island   Dec 7 '63

29th Conn Infantry

George W Burr   Richmond   Oct 13 '64

James Spriggs   Oct 27 '64

Martin Storms   Aud 2 '65

James Hawley   Feb 20 '64

George A Deming   July 17 '64

30th Conn Infantry

Andrew Marshall   Apr 22 '64


Wilson Hubbell   62 N.Y. Inf.   Cold Harbor   June 3 '64

Richard R Crawford   7 U.S. Inf.   Gettysburg   July 2 '63

Charles F Lendever   1 N.Y.M. Rifles   Suffolk   June 24 '63

William H Lord   2 N.Y.H. Art   May 6 '65

Jonathan Mills   40 N.Y. Inf.

Martin G Vans   48 N.Y. Inf.   Peterburg   July 30 '64

William A. Porter   66th N.Y. Inf.   Harpers Ferry   Nov 14 '62

James Lennon   69 N.Y Inf.   Malvern Hill   July '62

Andrew B Taylor   5 N.H. Inf.   Andersonville   July 16 '64

Henry P Bostwick   U.S.A.   New Orleans   Dec 31 '62

U. S. Navy

William Brooks   U.S.S. Gunboat Kennenberg   May '63

Wheeler Sherman   U.S. Gunboat Chenango   Apr 16 '64

James Burns   U.S. Gunboat Narcissus

Frederick H Thompson   U.S.S. New London   Sept 5 '63

George H Lounsbury   U.S.S. Hartford   July 24 '62

Joseph Grogam   U.S.S. Weehawken   Charleston Harbor   Dec 6 '63

James McGregor   U.S. Flagship Pensacola   new Orleans   Sept 24 '63

Peter Pitts

Marker can be reached from Waldemere Avenue near Park Avenue, on the left when traveling west.


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