Brown County Veterans Memorial

[ West - Plaque ]

Lest We Forget

From its inception in 1836, Brown County has given freely its sons and daughters to serve in the quest for World Peace. Its sacrifices began in 1846 with the Mexican War, and continued through the Civil War, 1861–1865: Spanish-American War, 1898: World War I, 1917–1918: World War II, 1941–1945: Korean War, 1950–1953: Vietnam War, 1962–1973: The Invasion of Panama, 1990: and the Persian-Gulf War of 1991.

Hundreds of Brown County’s sons, and some of its daughters, rallied when the threat to freedom rang out all over the globe. This monument was erected to honor the memory of all who served in times of War. Those who served during times of peace and especially those who made the supreme sacrifice. The memorial also honors those veterans from other areas who later in life moved to Brown County to make their home with us.

May their names never be forgotten even though many now rest in the arms of God.

[ East - Plaque ]

In Memory of Those Who

Served a World at War

Name of War———— No. Serving—–No. Killed

Mexican War ——————– 90 ————– 14

Civil War ———————–575————–96

Spanish-American War——–— 8 ————— 0

World War I ———————301—————12

World War II———————664 ————– 22

Korean War -———————191 —————7

Vietnam War ——————— 47 ————— 1

Panama Invasion —————— 2 ————— 0

Persian-Gulf War —————–47 ————— 0

Totals————————— 1,925———— 152

[ North - Plaque ]

Our Roll of Honor

The corridor inside the historic Brown County Courthouse contains the names of all the men and women, living in Brown County at the time of their induction, who served their Country in times of war. A star by the name denotes those who gave their lives that their descendants could one day know a world in which peace reign.

[ South - Plaque ]

Brown County Veterans Memorial

Dedicated 1993

Co. Commissioners:

Jerry Flyod • Robert D. Woods • James R. Owens

Arch.: S. Miller

Memorial Committee

Helen Ayers, Chairman • Mary Ann Walker • Jack E. Altop • Jack Crabtree • Herbert Miller

Marker is on East Main Street east of Indiana Route 135, on the left when traveling east.


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