Browning's Courthouse

At or near this crossroads stood the J.P. office of Browning’s Militia District No. 572; cited in reports of Federal military operations July, 1864, as Browning’s Court House.

July 18. Logan’s 15th A.C., enroute from Roswell to Decatur, detoured via Browning’s to support Garrard’s cavalry in its foray on the Georgia Railroad at Stone Mountain.

Lightburn’s (2d) brigade, Smith’s (2d) div., together with Maj. Hotaling’s contingent of Logan’s escort was sent from here to assist Garrard’s horsemen in destroying the railroad at & near Stone Mountain depot. Logan withdrew to Henderson’s Mill to camp that night.

Marker is on LaVista Road (State Road 8) 0.1 miles east of Fellowship Road, on the left when traveling west.


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