Bull's Eye!

An archery range was one of the planned recreational features when the Civilian Conservation Corps designed the park in 1936. Eventually laid out between here and the Sulphur Springs parking lot, the course began with a posted diagram and instructions.

Targets - made of tightly woven excelsior bales - were arrayed along a path. Each station had a choice of markers from which to shoot; shooting from the marker further away from the target earned more points than shooting from a closer-in position.

Archers brought their own bows and arrows, and if they wanted a bull's eye to aim at, they brought a target cloth to place over the bales.

On this archery range, the longest distance from which to shoot at a target was some twenty yards.

Archery was a popular sport and a local club helped to maintain this course.

Marker can be reached from State Park Drive.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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