Bumpass’s Hell

Kendall Vanhook Bumpass

Our guide [Mr. K.V. Bumpass,] after cautioning us to be careful where we stepped, that the surface was treacherous, suddenly concluded with Virgil that the “descent to Hell was easy” for stepping upon a slight inequality in the ground he broke through the crust and plunged his leg into the boiling mud beneath, which clinging to his limb burned him severely. If our guide had been a profane man I think he would have cursed a little; as it was, I think his silence was owing to his inability to do the subject justice....”

Editor, Red Bluff Independent, 1865

In 1862 mountaineer and explorer Kendell Vanhook Bumpass first saw this steaming, hissing, thumping hydrothermal area, which now bears his name. He and his partner, Major Pierson B. Reading filed claim to these boiling springs with the intention of mining the minerals and developing it as a tourist attraction. Perhaps those dreams were dashed when Bumpass stepped into a boiling mud pool at nearly 240°F (115°C). Regardless, Bumpass lost his leg by this unfortunate accident and his dreams of fortune here never materializes.

Marker can be reached from Lassen Peak Highway (California Route 89).

Courtesy hmdb.org

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