Burlington County Colorado Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to All American veterans. This monument is dedicate to all Americans who have served in the United States Military. The names here are but a few. May we never forget the sacrifices that have been made. “In Honor of Those who served”. VFW Post 6491, 2003.

A Veterans Day Prayer

May god Grant...

Courage to all those who are helping to defend the principles of freedom on which all our lives depend.

Comfort to the families who had loved ones far away, doing what they can to serve their country well each day.

Wisdom to our leaders as they talk and work to find answers that respect all sides and honor humankind.

Blessings to the veterans and all who've gone before, who've done their part throughout the world to open freedom’s door.

Marker is on Rose Ave, on the right when traveling west.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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