California – Oregon Stage Road

1860 – 1887

A pack trail in 1851, Greathouse & Co. muled passengers by 1854. James E. Carr contracted by the California Stage Co., finished the last six miles of road from Trinity River to here, Sept. 14, 1860. The first daily mail and passenger stage, driven by Williamson Lyncoya Smith, crossed over two days later. A stage stop and 100 mule barn, for lodging, meals and relief teams was located here. The winter road was kept open by oxen to break trail and sleighs to carry passengers and express. Known as the Western Branch of the California – Oregon Trail, safer from Indian raids than trails to the east, this old toll road fell to disuse by completion of the railroad in the Sacramento River Canyon in 1887.

Marker is on Scott Mountain Road (California Route 3).


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