Campsite of the U.S. Survey Team Sept. 10-21, 1825

Camping near this location Sept. 10, 1825, the survey team remained through September 21 waiting for a courier with information from the U.S. Government as to how to proceed further. West of the 100th meridian which surveyor Joseph Brown mistakingly identified being at this point and south of the Arkansas River was Mexican territory where the survey team had no permission to enter. Receiving no such information, the team was divided with commissioner George Sibley, surveyor Brown, interpreter William Williams, nine men and Sibley's servant Abram continuing on with the survey. The other two commissioners, Benjamin Reeves and and Thomas Mather with secretary Archibald Gamble and the rest of the team returned to Missouri.

Marker is on US-50 (U.S. 50/400), on the right when traveling west.


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