Cannon-Douglas Residence

Dr. William Austin Cannon had this house built during 1904-1905. He was the first resident botanist with the Carnegie Desert Laboratory in 1902, and worked there until 1926. Dr. Cannon sold the house in 1913 to Dr. Andrew Ellicott Douglass, an astronomer, who in 1896 had located the site for Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff. Dr. Douglass, founder of dendrochronology, also built the Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona. Due to his early leadership, the University of Arizona is one of the world's leading institutions in the science of astronomy and dendrochronology.

Spanish Translation Marker:

Residencia de los Profesores

Cannon Y Douglass

Esta casa fué construída en 1904-05 por el Profesor Dr. William Austin Cannon, primer botánico del Laboratorio Carnegie del Desierto y ocupante de aquel

puesto desde 1902 hasta 1926. En 1913, vendió la casa al Profesor Dr. Andrew Ellicott Douglass, conocido astronomo que había establecido el Observatorio Lowell de Flagstaff en 1896. Douglass, fundador de la ciencia dendrocronologíá, Tambíen supervisó la construccion del Observatorio Stewart. Gracias a su influencia original la Universidad de Arizona llego a ser reconocido mundialmente en los campos cientificos de astronomiá y científicos de astronomiá y dendrocronologíá.

Marker is on East Speedway Boulevard west of North Santa Rita Avenue, on the right when traveling west.


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