
Grim Weapons of War

Confederate artillery was posted here. The cannons were placed behind protective earthworks, still faintly visible today. Their fire swept the Beverly-Fairmont Turnpike below.

Model 1841 6-pounder field guns were used at Camp Laurel Hill. Although nearly obsolete by 1861, they could fire a six-pound projectile more than 1,500 yards. The muzzle blast and concussion alone were demoralizing.

Most Confederate earthworks here were filled in by Union troops in 1861.

"Our position, on the crests of the hills, was protected by a ditch, with the bank thrown outwards, conforming to the outline of the hills we occupied, and by a few simple [log and earth defenses] for the artillery."

Col. William B. Taliaferro, 23rd Virginia Infantry C.S.A.

"A six pounder was sent down the road and fired some six shots at a house which was occupied by the Yankees. The house was utterly destroyed."

James E. Hall, 31st Virginia Infantry C.S.A.

Marker can be reached from Laurel Mountain Road (County Route 15), on the right when traveling east.


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