Captain Joseph Wadsworth

Captain Joseph Wadsworth

Where You Are Standing

On October 31, 1687

Came Sir Edmund Andros to the

meeting house built on this site,

sent by the British Crown

to revoke Connecticut's Charter

and establish the Dominion of New England.

Captain Joseph Wadsworth, determined to

protect Connecticut's liberties,

stealthily removes the Charter from the room.

He tucks the precious document inside his cloak

and hurries through the night looking

for a safe hiding place.

Tradition says Wadsworth took the Charter

to a great tree a quarter mile from here

and placed it within its sturdy trunk.

Thus was born the Legend of the Charter Oak.

Joseph Wadsworth sculpture by Randy Nelson, 1996

Made possible through a grant from

The Hartford Courant Foundation.

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Main Street and Central Row, on the right when traveling north.


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