Carillon Bridge

Near this spot in 1755-1756

Michel de Chartier de Lotbiniére

engineer of Fort Carillon, bridged this stream and harnessed this waterpower for the first time. Sawmills, storehouses and barracks were located here, being within the Seignory of Alainville granted by France in 1758 to Lotbiniére, this was the first patent covering site of Ticonderoga. His vast estate subsequently granted to British soldiers, Lotbiniére in 1776 refused England’s offer of compensation, preferring to aid Franklin in obtaining French support for the American cause.

Because of this sacrifice, unrequited by the Continental Congress, this bridge is gratefully dedicated to the Seignior of Alainville who was also an American patriot.

Erected by Ticonderoga Chapter, S.A.R.

and the State of New York. 1933

Marker is on Montcalm Street, on the right when traveling east.


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