Celestine Hernandez

Celestine Bonifay Hernandez 1835-1857

The records hold little information about Celestine Bonifay Hernandez. She was born in 1835, the second of five children. Her parents were Faruco, from Florida, and Ysabel, from Lousiana. On April 27th, 1854, at the age of 19, she married Manuel H. Hernandez.

She died little more than three years later on November 10th, 1857. She was only 22 years old when she died. Her grave marker, similar to the nearby marker of her parents, is a white stone obelisk, a form dating back to Egyptian architecture which represents a ray of sunlight.

Researched and written by Richard Adams, University of West Florida Public History program.

Credits and Sources:

Richard Adams, University of West Florida Public History Program