Celestino Gonzalez

Celestino Gonzalez 1796-1844

Celestino Gonzalez was born in Pensacola, Florida, in 1796. On the 3rd of July, 1825, he married Paulina Granpera, a New Orleans native born on June 7th, 1800. The ceremony was held at St. Michael's Catholic Church.

Celestino was active in local politics, putting his signature on an 1832 petitioner to name James Gadsen Governor of Florida. He was very successful in life, enough so that by 1840 he had five sons, three daughters, and fourteen slaves, indicating much greater than average wealth. One of his daughters, Mentoria Gonzalez, became the third wife of Don Francisco Moreno, the so-called "King of Pensacola."

Celestino died on July 23rd, 1844 at age 48, and was buried in a large limestone above-ground tomb. When Pauline died more than half a century later in 1896, she was interred along with her husband. The marble tombstone bearing Celestino's name also bears a cross, a symbol of Christianity as well as resurrection.

Researched and written by Richard Adams, University of West Florida Public History program.

Credits and Sources:

Richard Adams, University of West Florida Public History Program