Chase County All Veterans Memorial

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor"

--The Declaration of Independence

The Chase County All Veterans Memorial is dedicated to honoring all Chase Countians who have served in the armed forces of the United States of America.

Please spend quiet moments in memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice for their country and to honor all veterans.

Chase Countians Killed in Action

They gave all their tomorrows so that we may enjoy all our todays in freedom

Civil War 1861-1865

Fred Frey • Robert B Harris • George M L Leonard

Silas D Prather • James I Remy

Philippines War 1899-1913

Eli Goodreau

World War I 1917-1918

Arthur R Adams • Howard Bailey • Russel Blackburn • Frank D Coate

Walter L Crouch • Arthur Edwards • Bernard V Giffin • Roy A Giffin

Leonard C Goad • Russell C Hepler • Clarence L Meyer • Claude W Newlee

Cecil R Parks • Milton R Payne •

Marion M Sidener • James E Taylor

Howard B Wood

World War II 1941-1945

F Richard Bell • Voctor Brecht • David Brock • Curg K Cress

Hubert R Denny • Merlin A Eason • Merle G Fear • Robert J Fillmore

William E Foxworthy • Edward A Gardner Jr • David A Goodell • Ernest James Jr

Melvin E Lind • Cecil Meierhoff

Ronald Patterson • John B Starkey

Ivan V Strange • Albert L Swift

Woodrow Waddell • Charles W White

Stephen A Wood

Vietnam War 1965-1973

Wesley M Sidener

The greatest honor given any American citizen is the privilege of serving the cause of freedom

The Chase County All Veterans Memorial is dedicated to honoring all Chase Countians who have served in the armed forces of the United States of America. Their names, first name first, middle initial or name, and surname, are listed alphabetically on the wall in the period they served in either the military, naval, or merchant marines.

Facing the wall and reading from left to right, trace the military history of the United States and recognize the Chase Countians who served their country. The earliest veterans fought in the War of 1812. Space has been left for the names of Chase Countians who serve in the future. Those who died in sevice are annotated with a star (?). Those killed in action (KIA) are listed on the Cenotaph under the American Flag.

Please spend quiet moments in memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice for their country and to honor all veterans.


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