Chatham Artillery

"Washington Guns"

These cannon, which were captured when Lord Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown in the American Revolution, were a gift to the Chatham Artillery by President George Washington - a mark of his appreciation for the part the local military company played in the celebration of his visit to Savannah in May, 1791.

Washington commended the Chatham Artillery in “warmest terms” and at one of the functions in his honor (which took place on the river bluff east of this spot) proposed a toast “to the present dexterous Corps of Artillery.”

The “Washington Guns” have thundered a welcome to many distinguished visitors to Savannah, including James Monroe, the Marquis de Lafayette, James K. Polk, Millard Fillmore, Chester A. Arthur, Jefferson Davis, Grover Cleveland, William McKinley, William H. Taft, and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

During the War Between the States the historic cannon were buried for safety beneath the Chatham Artillery armory and were not removed until 1872 when Federal occupation troops had departed.

The “Washington Guns” were taken to Yorktown in 1881 by a contingent of the Chatham Artillery and led the parade at the centennial celebration of Cornwallis, surrender.

Marker is on Bay Street, on the right when traveling west.


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