Cherokee Control

Throughout the spring and summer of 1838 Principal Chief John Ross and a group of Cherokee delegates negotiated with the United States War Department to take control of conducting the parties west. Just as the first groups departed under United State Army control, Cherokee leaders gained government approval to conduct the remaining groups.

"Resolved by the National Committee and Council & People of the Cherokee Nation in General Council assembled, that it is the decided sense, and desire, of the this General Council, that the whole business of the emigration of our people, shall be undertaken by the Nation: and the Delegation are hereby advised to negotiate the necessary arrangements with the Commanding General for that purpose." - John Ross, Elijah Hicks, James Brown, Edward Gunter, Saml. Gunter, Sitewakee, White Path, and R. Taylor to Winfield Scott, Amohee Dst. Aquohe [Cherokee Nation] July 23, 1838

Marker can be reached from Blythe Ferry Road 2 miles north of Hiwassee Highway (Tennessee Highway 60), on the right when traveling north.


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