Cherokee County WW I Rememberence

In Memory of the Boys

of Cherokee County who lost their lives

in the World War, 1917 - 1918

Arthur Burgess • Grier Ellis • Richard Callman • Jay Bee Godfrey •

Albert Grant • Broadus Hames • John G. Hamrick • Richard Hicks • Thomas Huitt • Lorane Hutchinson • Hiram J. Johnson • Walker Kirby • Stanley Little • Carson D. McCraw • Charlie R. McCraw • Coleman McCraw • Baxter C. McSwain • Reid Morris • Amos Mullinax • James I. Neal • Ellis A. Owens • Lawson J. Owens • Marcus L. Owensby • Rochelle Petty • Lester Phillips • Lewis Proctor • Ben C. Roberts • Furman B. Robbs • Herbert Q. Sarratt • Virgil D. Sellars • William T. Sparks • Page Spencer • L. J. Thompson • Larkin L.Thrift • Gaines Wilson • James B. Young

— Colored —

Landrum Allen • Lloyd Allen • Jesse Bobo • Oscar Camp • Ed Collins • Alexander Crocker • Glenn Dowdle • Arthur Edwards • Sam Hoey • Summie Humphries • Zeno Littlejohn • Thomas McCullouch • William McKinney • Crawley Ross • Earnest Simms

Marker is on North Limestone Street (South Carolina Route 150) near East Floyd Baker Boulevard.


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