Chippawa Battlefield Panel 3

Advance to Contact

Major General Phineas Riall, the British commander, had repaired the bridge over the Chippawa and ordered his own Regular light infantry, the local Canadians of the 2nd Lincoln Militia and a force of Native Warriors, to clear out the now scattered American skirmishers. The remainder of Riall's brigade 1st, 8th and 100th Regiments of Foot (1,400 men) marched south along the river road toward General Brown and his outpost. Brown could not see the British troops through the strip of trees just south of Chippawa but he could see the dust kicked up by the British and he ordered Scott's brigade into action. As Riall's brigade formed for battle with their artillery along the river road, Scott's men crossed Street's Creek under fire from the British guns. Scott's troops, dressed in their grey work jackets, did not falter and pushed straight up the river road to Ussher's. They turned onto the farm lane leading into the area of cleared fields both armies called the plain, formed into line facing the British and advanced about 50 meters (54 yards).

Grey Jackets

The U.S. Infantry at Chippawa matched the musketry of their red coated adversaries. To this day the Gray Jackets of Winfield Scott's brigade live on in the dress uniforms at the United States Military Academy at West Point.

Marker can be reached from Niagara River Parkway just west of Edgworth Road, on the right when traveling south.


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