Christ Episcopal Church and Jubal Early's Raid on Rockville

Vestrymen Arrested

Early Sunday morning, June 28, 1863, 5,000 of Confederate Gen J.E.B. Stuart's cavarlymen rode into Rockville and arrested Union supporters. They sought merchant John H. Higgins at his home, but he had already left for Christ Episcopal Church (across the street). Dora, his wife, ran to the church to warn him, fellow vestrymen Judge Richard Johns Bowie, enrollment officer Lawrence Dawson, and enrollment clerk Richard Williams to remain in the vestry room. On her way home, Dora Higgins also warned the Presbyterian minister, John DeSellum, and Capt. John Vinson, but was too late to save provost marshall Mortimer Moulden and postmaster Thomas Bailey.

Prisoners captured along the way or arrested in town were held in the courthouse a block away. Dora Higgins wrote that "at six [p.m.] ... they carried their prisoners off, compelling Capt. Vinson, tho' too ill to stand alone, to mount a horse, at the point of their sabers, and go with them."

After Stuart left, Dora Higgins returned to the church to inform the vestrymen it was safe. A Confederate rear guard followed her, however, and arrested them. When local secessionists told her that they had taken no role in the arrests, she replied, "I know positively that not one of you could have any influence today, as Gen. Stuart had a written list of all the Union men's names. But some one here furnished that list."

Marker is on South Washington Street near Vinson Street, on the right when traveling south.


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