Chronology of Benjamin Franklin

1706 Born at Boston, January 17.

1723 Removed to Philadelphia.

1729 Editor of Pennsylvania Gazette.

1730 Appointed Public Printer.

1731 Founded the Philadelphia Library.

1736 Organized the first Philadelphia Fire Company.

1737 Appointed Postmaster of Philadelphia.

1738 Member of the Provincial Assembly.

1741 Established first American Magazine.

1742 Invented the Franklin Open Stove.

1743 Founded the American Philosophical Society

1749 Projected University of Pennsylvania.

1751 Founded the Pennsylvania Hospital.

1752 First to utilize electricity.

1753 Deputy Postmaster General for the Colonies.

1754 Delegate to Congress at Albany.

1756 Colonel of Provincial Militia.

1757-70 Agent to Great Britain for Pennsylvania, Georgia, New Jersey and Massachusetts.

1764 Speaker of Pennsylvania Assembly.

1769 President of American Philosophical Society.

1775 Delegate to the Continental Congress, Chairman of the Committee of "Safety." Proposed "Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union." Postmaster General of the Colonies.

1776 Signed the Declaration of Independence. President of Constitutional Convention of Pennsylvania. Commissioner to the Court of France.

1778 negotiated Treaties of Amity and Commerce and of Alliance with France. Minister Plenipotentiary to France.

1783 Signed Treaty of Amity and Commerce with Sweden. Signed Treaty of Peace with Great Britain.

1785 Signed Treaty of Amity and Commerce with Prussia. President of the Provincial Council.

1787 Member of Constitutional Convention of the United States.

1790 Died at Philadelphia, April 17.

Marker is at the intersection of Arch Street and 5th Street, on the left when traveling west on Arch Street.


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